
SALL, Schools As Living Labs

The Schools As Living Labs project proposes a new framework based on open innovation methods for schools across Europe to approach their science education programmes in a new light. Our objective is to make STEM teaching more relevant, systemic, and inclusive and to do that for all of our students. SALL adopts the concept of open schooling in science education where schools, become agents of community well-being by creating new partnerships with other local actors and addressing local issues relevant to them.


The aim of this project is to develop several app-supported board games for the development of computer thinking in areas not exclusively related to algorithms, such as Blockchain or computer security. These games will be published under Creative Commons licenses that encourage their free use and will be provided with a guide for their use in the classroom to facilitate the work of teachers who are willing to use them in their classes.

SAILS Safe & Autonomous Internet-based Learning Strategies

The main objective of SAILS project is to provide tools to students, families, teachers and school managers to appropriately face the new learning context created with the global COVID-19 pandemic. These tools will empower the whole educational community regarding their digital literacy from different approaches: digital identity, interpersonal relationships, learning processes, boundaries and technology uses (overconfidence vs. overprotection), and so on. Even though we do not diminish the potential threats and legal difficulties involved in the use of these online platforms, we want to stress their key role in terms of new opportunities and good practices.

ASSESS, Empowering Teachers to Design Innovative Assessment Tools in a Digital Era

ASSESS is a project  that targets several questions about assessment with the goal of creating a powerful assessment framework for teachers and students. The project will offer teachers a toolkit of digital and analogue tools to assess students in an innovative way and a digital app that aggregates these tools. Teachers will also find an online course that will teach them not only how to use the ASSESS tools, but also how to design and create their own innovative assessment tools.


Digi-Science addresses the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic by preparing teachers to deliver effective science education courses to their students, within online/distance and blended settings, mainly through online experimentation and the use of virtual and remote science labs integrated within a concrete educational framework that is designed to foster the development of students’ skills while addressing equity, diversity and inclusion challenges.

Polar Star

POLAR STAR aims to bring together state-of-the-art learning pedagogies and combine them with exciting activities that focus on contemporary science, thus helping teachers to introduce STEAM successfully in their class. At the same time, the project focuses on the development of students’ key skills and competencies as well as deepening their knowledge of fundamental scientific principles, increasing their appreciation of science and technology and their role in today's’ societies.

InSTEAM - Inclusive environmental STEAM education with Online Labs

The InSTEAM project aims to create a series of learning resources that allow for more individualized, inclusive and personalized STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) learning. The goal is to establish pathways for inclusive, innovative and interdisciplinary environmental STEAM education that reduces disparities in access to and engagement with digital STEAM education.

Moving towards Life Cycle Thinking by integrating Advanced Waste Management Systems (Waste4Think)

The main objective of this project is to move forward the current waste management practices into a circular economy motto, demonstrating the value of integrating and validating a set of 20 eco-innovative solutions that cover all the waste value chain. The benefits of these solutions will be enhanced by a holistic waste data management methodology, and will be demonstrated in 4 complementary urban areas in Europe. 

Sintetizando - Proyecto Talenki

Iniciación al Sonido Electrónico y el Pensamiento Computacional, organizado por Suspergintza - Ede Fundazioa. Proyecto donde chicas jóvenes entre 15 y 18 años, exploran el potencial de la música y la tecnología para promover el pensamiento crítico y creativo. Sintetizando es un programa que durante dos meses mezcla arte, tecnología y sociedad, a través de la experimentación.

TIWI-Teaching ICT with Inquiry

ICT combined with Inquiry-Based Science Learning (IBSL), an education technique that always begins with questions and problems, will challenge students in discovering answers themselves. Through this innovative teaching method, students can focus on learning ICT by doing, with the teacher guiding the way, and plain lectures no longer driving concept mastery.

COMPUS: the computer is us
The aim of the COMPUS project is to design, produce and distribute copyleft computational-thinking-related board games in schools. Two board-games and an book with unplugged computational thinking activities will be developed. Each board game will include a learning guide, a video-tutorial to learn how to play and what computational thinking aspects are covered in the game and a website with more information about it. In addition to these board games, an unplugged computer science activity book will be developed taking advantage from the components used in these board games and expand their impact and use conducting individual or collective activities on the computational thinking related concepts.  
Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education by Innovative

MoPED aims at modernizing curricula for Pedagogical Schools of Ukraine (UA) by incorporating novel courses of modern ICT teaching tools and inquiry methods. By answering the contemporary challenges and requirements and supporting ambitious large-scale educational reforms in Ukraine, the project will impact quality of pedagogical higher education and enhance digital and didactic competences of future school teachers.

Islands Diversity for Science Education
IDiverSE is an innovative project that builds up on a previous Erasmus+ project (PLATON) where members of this team also collaborate together. It uses previously created and validated as well as new innovative methods for Inquiry Based Science Learning activities.

Next Generation Stakeholders and Next Level Ecosystem for Collaborative Science Education with Online Labs
Next-Lab is a European research project co-funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Programme. Next-Lab focuses on introducing inquiry-based science education (IBSE) in schools and continues the mission of the project Go-Lab, promoting innovative and interactive teaching methods in primary and secondary schools.

Open Schools for Open Societies
Our schools should be incubators of exploration and invention. They should be accelerators of innovation. They should promote Open Schooling. School leaders should set a vision for creating learning experiences that provide the right tools and supports for all learners to thrive. Teachers should be collaborators in learning, seeking new knowledge and constantly acquiring new skills alongside their students. A holistic approach to innovation is needed.

Vocational Online CollAboration for Learning
The VOCAL – Vocational Online CollAboration for Learning project aims to support vocational education and training in Europe through providing training opportunity for HE and VET teachers to experience and to develop skills in online collaborative learning.

Platform Integration of Laboratories based on the Architecture of visiR
PILAR project proposes a solution that aims to interconnect all VISIR systems, with each other in order to create a grid laboratory shared and accessed by all the participants, expanding and empowering existing systems to a new level of service and capacity.

Learning STEAM through a playful online platform, social learning and content co-creation
It provides a free access online platform where primary and secondary school students will be able to develop declarative knowledge in a contextualized and meaningful way through a multiplayer and online card game.

Basic computational thinking learning tool based on blockly, used by Deusto LearningLab for working in Trastea and other diverse sessions with school children.

Promoting innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching Of Natural sciences
PLATON aims to address the lack of relevance between what is taught in school and everyday life, by motivating teachers to update their teaching practices and bring inspiration into their science classroom, increase students’ interest in science and focus on developing students’ basic skills in math and science as well as 21st century key skills, like critical and creative thinking.

Inspire young girls in Science and Technology
INSPIRA aims to raise awareness of young people, boys and girls, about the reality of women in the scientific-technological field, especially support girls who have an interest or concern about these areas, and thereby increase the scientific and technological vocations among young people between 10 and 14 yr.

Spanish Network of Learning Analytics
SNOLA is a network that integrates the major national researchers in the area of Learnign Analytics. Formed by 10 researchers from nine Spanish research groups, it has a primary focus on technology but aims at integrating other visions and disciplines from the educational sector that expands the scope of the network.

From Misconceptions To Learning Insights Through Inquiry With Playful Physical Objects
The main goal of MissToHit project is to create a learning community where formal and informal learning initiatives can share STEM-related learning activities based on physical objects in an Inquiry-based learning (IBL) methodology.

University-enterprises cooperation in game industry in Ukraine
The wider objective of the GameHub is to ensure employability and self-sustainability of Higher Education Institution (HEI) graduates, unemployed engineers as well as veterans of Anti-Terror Operation (ATO) in Ukraine by equipping them with knowledge and skills demanded by digital game industry (GI) – a highly networked global impact economy.

Open Discovery of STEM Laboratories
ODL is initiated to equip European school teachers with innovative approach – micro-MOOC, to deploy STEM laboratories and their application in the everyday teaching practices and, thus, strengthen the profile of the teaching professions.

Educational Modules for Electric and Electronic Circuits Theory and Practice following an Enquiry-based Teaching and Learning Methodology supported by Visir+
VISIR+ project targets the broad area of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and, within it, the subject of circuit theory and practice. It aims to define, develop and evaluate a set of educational modules comprising hands-on, virtual, and remote experiments, the later supported by a remote lab named Virtual Instruments Systems In Reality (VISIR).


Iniciativa de DeustoTech Learning/Fundación Deusto
Pretende ser un conjunto de actividades coordinadas, orientadas a fomentar en los adolescentes a medio plazo las vocaciones hacia la Ingeniería, de forma íntimamente ligada a la tecnología y a su importancia social.

El proyecto AUTOGAME tiene como objetivo desarrollar un juego serio (serious game) para el diagnóstico y localización de averías en esquemas eléctricos, y se enmarca en el el área de la electricidad en automoción. Está dirigido a la Formación Profesional, pero es tan flexible que puede adaptarse a otros ámbitos educativos.

Teknologia Interaktiboa 3: Robotika
El proyecto consiste en el diseño de una unidad didáctica sobre el bloque de contenidos de control y robótica del Diseño Curricular Base para 3º y 4º de la ESO en Tecnología. Se trata de un material educativo interactivo y motivador para el estudiante que le ayudará a conocer y explorar el funcionamiento y las aplicaciones de los robots.

Teknologia Interaktiboa 3: etxebizitzetako instalazioak
El proyecto tiene como objetivo diseñar una unidad didáctica sobre el bloque de contenidos de “Instalaciones en viviendas” del Diseño Curricular Base para 3º y 4º de la ESO en Tecnología. Se trata de un material educativo interactivo y motivador para el estudiante que le ayudará a conocer y explorar la estructura y el entramado de las distintas instalaciones de una vivienda.

Ciencia Remota
Un nuevo formato para los museos
El proyecto tiene por objetivo principal dar a conocer a los museos de la ciencia y a su público objetivo una tecnología innovadora: la experimentación remota. Dicha tecnología ofrece a los museos un nuevo formato de experimentación y difusión de la ciencia y la tecnología.

Learning Science through Computational Thinking
MakeWorld project aims at developing a powerful and high-quality set of resources and tools to develop and assess STEM and ICT competencies, as well as a dashboard to monitor student’s progress and behavior. Students, through their teacher, are final users of the open educational resources and platform.

Building network of remote labs for strenghthening university secondary vocational schools collaboration
The wider objective of this project is to increase attractiveness of engineering education through innovative teaching methods as well as through the strengthening of university- secondary vocational schools collaboration.

Scalable Mining User-generated Dataset for Extracting Reliable Knowledge
The project has the mission to address the scalability issues arising from intelligent processing of large volumes of information in areas such as Linked Data, Social Data Mining or massive learning platforms (MOOC). The proposed research is oriented towards the market targeting “Digital World” PCTI 2015.

Educational objects for the Reproductions Museum of Bilbao
We have developed interactive and multimedia learning objects composed of four units related to the most important sculptures from the permanent collection of the Reproductions Museum of Bilbao, to work specific content of Greek art. The educational sequences consist of a series of enriched pictures, illustrations, video and activities with a high degree of interactivity.

Industrial Cooperation and Creative Engineering Education based on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation
ICo-op was initiated to equip engineering students in Armenia, Georgia, and Ukraine with the skills necessary for a successful career. The program will forge partnerships between universities and industry to modernize engineering education that provides direct access to top-notch facilities with remote and virtual instrumentation. The program will be based on EU best practices, partners’ industry expertise, and knowledge of business demand of target countries.

Global Online Science Labs for Inquiry Learning at School
The Go-Lab Project (Global Online Science Labs for Inquiry Learning at School) is a European collaborative project co-funded by the European Commission (Seventh Framework Programme) and uniting 19 organisations from twelve countries. Go-Lab concentrates on providing access to online laboratories in order to enrich classroom experience in schools as well as learning activities out-of-class.

Foreign Language Learning through Interactive Revoicing and Captioning of Clips
ClipFlair aims to counter the factors that discourage Foreign Language Learning (FLL) by providing a motivating, easily accessible application for foreign-language learning through revoicing (including dubbing, audio description, karaoke singing and reciting) and captioning (including subtitling, and video annotations).

Serious Games for Education
The aim of this game, supported by the regional government of Biscay, is to develop and assess generic competences oriented to improve the employability of students. In particular, the game includes activities related to “problem solving” and “entrepreneurship” competences.

This is a research project that aims to analyze the opportunities to enrich the book and reading experience using technology. The book is changing, we wonder what is the future of the book? How will be the book of the future? Technology has part of the answer, it allows to enrich books (both paper and electronic) with audio visual resources, interactive activities, access to remote experiments, etc.

Open Learning Approach with Remote Experiments
Olarex aims to innovatively implement ICT-based learning materials, remote experiments, and e-didactic methods into formal and non-formal lifelong learning settings. It will enhance and modernize science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) curricula, foster student creativity and motivation, and develop professional skills and insights about the impact of evolving technologies.

E-Learning and Practical Training of Mechatronics and Alternative Technologies in Industrial Community

This network connects educational institutions, chambers of commerce and small business, enterprises and the associations of enterprises from seven European countries. The main network’s aim is to modernize mechatronics and engineering vocational training of the employed professionals, apprentices and trainees, by enhancing of the existing or establishing new in-company training approaches in the industry.


ACCEplay is a R&D project that has developed the first low-cost hardware-software integrated device to provide unattended audiovisual accessibility in repetitive audiovisual events. The device has been already commercialized and introduced in a set of ten Spanish cinemas.