The 3rd ODL transnational partners meeting

The 3rd ODL transnational partners meeting

Ekaitz Polledo No Comment
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During 21-22 September 2017 Deusto LearningLab led the third partners meeting of the Erasmus+ project “Open Discovery of STEM Laboratories (ODL)”. The transnational meeting took place at the premises of HITSA (Tallinn, Estonia), which initiates and guides innovation and development in the area of educational technology and introduces best practices in Estonia. The agenda of the meeting was focused deeply on the Intellectual Outputs related to ODL MOOC space, developing and implementing the micro-MOOCs, organizing multinational events in each country as well as planning the final project conference. More information about the project could be found on the website, the catalogue of the available micro-MOOCs for the STEM school teachers are presented on the portal