Monthly ArchiveNovember 2017

Workshop “Deeper learning in University curricular”

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

2-3 November 2017, Deusto LearningLab together with AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland conducted the training in a frame of the workshop “21st century skills/deeper learning”. The training was organized at the premises of the AGH, Krakow, Poland, under an umbrella of the “GameHub: University-enterprises cooperation in game industry in Ukraine” project (561728-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) co-financed by Erasmus+ KA2 Programme, Capacity Building in Higher Education.

The GameHub aims to modernize the teaching methods in the selected Ukrainian Universities to ensure employability and self-sustainability of university graduates, unemployed engineers as well as veterans of Anti-Terror Operation in Ukraine by equipping them with knowledge and skills demanded by digital game industry – a highly networked global impact economy.

For this purpose 180 university teachers overall from Ukrainian universities, 500 students and 150 unemployed including the ATO veterans are trained; 18 learning modules are developed by GameHub and will be integrated into the Ukrainian university curricula; the link between academia, enterprises and unemployment centers will be established in the project framework.

MoPED: first partners meeting

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

6-7 November 2017 Olga Dziabenko researcher of the Deusto LearningLab participated in MoPED meeting that took place at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine. The  project “Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education on the Use of Innovative Teaching Tools” (MoPED) – No. 586098-EPP-1-2017-1 -UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP is a capacity building project directed to the modernization of HE in Ukraine. It aims at modernizing curricula for Pedagogical Schools of Ukraine by incorporating new courses of top-notch ICT teaching tools and inquiry methods. By answering the contemporary challenges and requirements, and supporting ambitious large-scale educational reforms in Ukraine, the project impacts the quality of pedagogical higher education and enhance digital and didactic competences of future school teachers. The Deusto LearningLab, University of Deusto is the co-coordinator/ content developer leader of the project. The  10 international partners from Cyprus, Poland, Spain, and Ukraine implement MoPED concept in the life ensuring the modernization of curricula of Master’s and Bachelor’s Degree Programs.

Jornada “Ciencia y tecnología en Igualdad”

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

El jueves 26 de octubre, en el Palacio de Congresos Europa de Vitoria-Gasteiz, el Parque Tecnológico de Álava celebró la jornada abierta “Ciencia y tecnología en Igualdad”, en el marco del Foro para la Igualdad 2017 liderado por Emakunde. La Red de Parques Tecnológicos de Euskadi participa por primera vez en el Foro para la Igualdad de Emakunde con el fin de visibilizar la importancia de incorporar la perspectiva de género en todo el camino de las prácticas científico-tecnológicas, desde la base del aprendizaje hasta el desarrollo profesional y empresarial con un enfoque divulgativo, educacional y empresarial.
Durante la jornada se contó con la presencia de Marta Macho, editora del espacio digital Mujeres con Ciencia de la Cátedra de Cultura Científica por el que ha recibido varios premios, entre ellos el Premio Emakunde de Igualdad 2016, y con Mª Luz Guenaga, Responsable de la Unidad de Deusto LearningLabque presentó el Proyecto INSPIRA ( cuyo objetivo es el fomento de la vocación científico-tecnológica entre las niñas utilizando la metodología del mentoring grupal. Asimismo, varias mujeres directivas participaron en una mesa redonda donde comentaron sus trayectorias profesionales, los casos sobre igualdad dentro de sus empresas, y sus impresiones ante esta realidad.