Monthly ArchiveFebruary 2021

STEAM Euskadi Topaketak

Ioanna No Comments

El próximo 11 de febrero (17:30), día internacional de la mujer y la niña en la ciencia, no te pierdas un nuevo encuentro dentro de STEAM Euskadi Topaketak: “Recursos para incluir la perspectiva de género en la Educación STEAM”. Mª Luz Guenaga, responsable del equipo Deusto LearningLab hablará sobre Inspira STEAM.

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Open schools initiative pushes for inclusive and innovative societies

Ioanna No Comments

A brief presentation of the results of the project OSOS “Open Schools for Open Societies”, is featured at this month’s Research*eu magazine.

Deusto LearningLab was one of the 19 partners of the project. Among others, OSOS has been designing and orchestrating a movement across the EU to transform schools into sites where science teaching is a shared responsibility between leaders, teachers and students.


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