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MoPED: first partners meeting

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

6-7 November 2017 Olga Dziabenko researcher of the Deusto LearningLab participated in MoPED meeting that took place at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine. The  project “Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education on the Use of Innovative Teaching Tools” (MoPED) – No. 586098-EPP-1-2017-1 -UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP is a capacity building project directed to the modernization of HE in Ukraine. It aims at modernizing curricula for Pedagogical Schools of Ukraine by incorporating new courses of top-notch ICT teaching tools and inquiry methods. By answering the contemporary challenges and requirements, and supporting ambitious large-scale educational reforms in Ukraine, the project impacts the quality of pedagogical higher education and enhance digital and didactic competences of future school teachers. The Deusto LearningLab, University of Deusto is the co-coordinator/ content developer leader of the project. The  10 international partners from Cyprus, Poland, Spain, and Ukraine implement MoPED concept in the life ensuring the modernization of curricula of Master’s and Bachelor’s Degree Programs.

Jornada “Ciencia y tecnología en Igualdad”

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

El jueves 26 de octubre, en el Palacio de Congresos Europa de Vitoria-Gasteiz, el Parque Tecnológico de Álava celebró la jornada abierta “Ciencia y tecnología en Igualdad”, en el marco del Foro para la Igualdad 2017 liderado por Emakunde. La Red de Parques Tecnológicos de Euskadi participa por primera vez en el Foro para la Igualdad de Emakunde con el fin de visibilizar la importancia de incorporar la perspectiva de género en todo el camino de las prácticas científico-tecnológicas, desde la base del aprendizaje hasta el desarrollo profesional y empresarial con un enfoque divulgativo, educacional y empresarial.
Durante la jornada se contó con la presencia de Marta Macho, editora del espacio digital Mujeres con Ciencia de la Cátedra de Cultura Científica por el que ha recibido varios premios, entre ellos el Premio Emakunde de Igualdad 2016, y con Mª Luz Guenaga, Responsable de la Unidad de Deusto LearningLabque presentó el Proyecto INSPIRA ( cuyo objetivo es el fomento de la vocación científico-tecnológica entre las niñas utilizando la metodología del mentoring grupal. Asimismo, varias mujeres directivas participaron en una mesa redonda donde comentaron sus trayectorias profesionales, los casos sobre igualdad dentro de sus empresas, y sus impresiones ante esta realidad.

VOCAL Project: Intercultural Competences in Europe

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

The importance of intercultural competences, of the course design and to know your target audience as well as the fruitful international discussions, and learning about new tools were claimed as the main benefits for participating at the 2nd (final) VOCAL short-term staff training event that took place in Heilbronn, Germany between 18-22 September.

23 participants from VOCAL partner institutions continued their work together that started in Kaunas this May to acquire competences on tutoring international, intercultural and diverse learner groups and digitalization of quality learning resources. They were working on the VOCAL Moodle platform as well as in groups, sharing the focus between the training material and the foundations of the 6 re-developed courses that will be the next great assignment for the participants.

At the end of the event we have asked participants to share what their key messages, achievements were that they will take home with them. Here are some of their responses:
“I found the guest presentations and the presented tools the most useful during the training week.”
“The international discussions were really fruitful. I could also finally have a clear picture of the course design and how to proceed about it.”
“I meet new people with whom I can continue working and I think that we can collaborate in future projects.”
“The more I learn about intercultural competence the more I am aware about its importance.”
“There’s a lot of work and thoughtful preparation when designing online courses, and that the international and intercultural dimension is almost always impossible to avoid… so it’s something that should always be considered and thought about. I also learned got a better overview of how to structure a course. I particularly liked the cultural intelligence framework and would incorporate it in my own teaching and research.”
“There are more similarities in the teaching world than expected.”
“Always over plan a training content- and activity wise, as it is better to take home “unused” slides and activities than not knowing how to kill the time.”
“Its nice and productive to use colleagues experience and to benefit from collaboration.”
“It’s very important to know your target audience. That’s where everything starts – how you structure and adapt your content, how you differentiate it and what aspects should be considered when planning.”

Pablo Espeso and Mariluz Guenaga participated in the second project meeting of the OSOS project

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

Pablo Espeso and Mariluz Guenaga, researchers at Deusto LearningLab, participated in the second project meeting of the OSOS project, Open Schools for Open Societies. The project aims transforming schools into an open school and a science centre, where students make real science and have an important role in the community.
OSOS is a H2020 project led by 18 international partners, which will facilitate the innovation of schools by transforming them into sites of science learning, for which students, teachers, school heads and the local community share responsibility and authority, and develop responsible citizenship.
An Open School is a top engaging environment for learning, where students develop projects that meet real life needs and present a vital contribution to their communities. It fosters collaboration and provides students with the opportunity of finding a real meaning to what they learn, while better understanding and interrogating their place in the world.
During this meeting, partners have put together the work done so far, related to the OSOS model, the support mechanisms for schools, the selection of good practices to become accelerators of innovation, the impact assessment and dissemination. The following months are a great challenge for this enthusiastic team!

The 3rd ODL transnational partners meeting

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

During 21-22 September 2017 Deusto LearningLab led the third partners meeting of the Erasmus+ project “Open Discovery of STEM Laboratories (ODL)”. The transnational meeting took place at the premises of HITSA (Tallinn, Estonia), which initiates and guides innovation and development in the area of educational technology and introduces best practices in Estonia. The agenda of the meeting was focused deeply on the Intellectual Outputs related to ODL MOOC space, developing and implementing the micro-MOOCs, organizing multinational events in each country as well as planning the final project conference. More information about the project could be found on the website, the catalogue of the available micro-MOOCs for the STEM school teachers are presented on the portal

Deusto nurtures technology competences among women with initiatives recognised in the media

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Deusto is committed to the problem of young people’s lack of interest in technology, particularly girls. Forecasts suggest that by 2025, 7 million people with STEM professional profiles (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) will be needed only in Europe. This could be a problem considering that women make up the 51.1 % of EU’s population (EUROSTAT 2017), that the presence of women in these areas is quite small and that the trend does not seem to reverse. Among the many factors that inhibit female technological vocations there are: the lack of knowledge about these professions, gender stereotypes or the invisibility of women throughout history. Linked to this, there is the lack of referrals from women working in technological areas. This is, precisely, the focus of Deusto’s MujerTekSpace project.

Aware that the loss of women talent in STEM is a process of multiple phases and moments, Deusto has launched, within the WomenTekSpace project, several initiatives targeting different audiences and ages: an exhibition on important women technologists throughout history, the INSPIRA project, and the Ada Byron Award to Women Technologist. The first two projects have been identified in the list of the Casio website under the title 10 Spanish reference cases supporting women´s scientific work.

More info at:

Cooperation about remote laboratories

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

On May 9 – 10, the partners from the PILAR project (Platform Integration of Laboratories based on the Architecture of VISIR), the University of Deusto among them, met at Campus Gräsvik. In addition to BTH, representatives from four other European higher education institutions participated.

At the end of 2006, BTH launched Virtual Instruments Systems in Reality, VISIR, which is an Internet based laboratory network for remote testing and control of electronic circuits. The network is designed to facilitate the distance learning at a global level. Several universities have already implemented VISIR, but there is a need for further educational developments and enhancement of the Internet of Things, IoT, based laboratory network which are the objectives of the PILAR project.
Among other things, all VISIR systems are planned to be linked to establish a network laboratory and through modern Internet of Things technology, cooperation between higher education institutions should be greatly facilitated.

This three-year project, which is in the field of applied signal processing, will continue until the autumn of 2019.

More info at:

Taller MissToHit – superar errores de concepto a través de la indagación

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

Dentro de las Jornadas Aukera 2017 organizadas por Kristau Eskola, se impartió el taller MissToHit, dentro del marco del proyecto Erasmus+ del mismo nombre. En él se realizaron varias actividades diseñadas siguiendo la filosofía MissToHit: se parte de un error de concepto que tienen los estudiantes en las áreas STEAM (p.e. “el sabor y el gusto son lo mismo”, “la electricidad se consume”); se plantean actividades con objetos físicos, en las que los participantes juegan, experimentan y recopilan datos de lo que sucede realmente; estos datos, objetivos, llevan al estudiante a replantearse el concepto erróneo que tenía, y a encontrar la respuesta correcta a la hipótesis planteada.

El taller tuvo muy buena acogida por parte de los docentes que participaron. Consideran que MissToHit tiene un enfoque innovador que promueve el aprendizaje a través de la experimentación y la verificación de las hipótesis planteadas.