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STEAM Decks in Karmengo Ama School

Iratxe Mentxaka No Comments








Karmengo Ama School students have been playing and learning with the resources developed in the STEAM Decks project.

The most important feature of the platform for the students has been to be able to choose who to play against, to be able to follow other classmates in the social part of the platform and specially to be able to create their own decks. The students gave very interesting ideas on new topics to create decks on the platform. Soon some of these ideas will be available on the STEAM Decks platform.

PLATON Schools: implementation of interdisciplinary inquiry-based activities in Spain schools

LearningLab No Comments

Five schools in Spain have already implemented different PLATON interdisciplinary inquiry-based activities.

The Sagrado Corazón school in Salamanca, has carried out PLATON’s activities and methodology in the subjects of biology and geology, physics and chemistry and computer science, a complete interdisciplinary approach. They have implemented the activity on the extinction of dinosaurs in the fourth year of secondary education.

In the Montes Orientales school in Granada have carried out two PLATON activities. They have carried out the activity of photosynthesis with students of the first year of secondary education and the activity of nanotechnology in the first year of high school. You can see their fantastic work through the following padlet:

The Colegio Maristes Champagnat in Badalona has developed the EMR and health activity in the subjects of biology and geology, and technology with students of the first year of secondary education, within the unity of the atmosphere.

In the Corazón de María school in Gijon, PLATON’s activities and methodology have been based on the subject of scientific culture in high school.  You can see in the following padlet the three activities that have worked:

The Nuestra Señora del Carmen school in Portugalete have integrated the activity of exponentials in astronomy into the subjects of mathematics and biology and geology with students of fourth year of secondary education.

All of them has shared their experience with PLATON team, and some of the feedback that we have received from them is that they have noticed how their students have learned and corrected misconceptions with the PLATON activities, and they emphasize the interdisciplinary approach of the activities. On another note, the students have told that activities are entertaining and different to the practices they are used to do, and that they have learnt things they didn’t know and didn’t expect.

Thank you very much to all the schools, teachers and students that have get involved in PLATON project, we hope you continue developing the PLATON methodology in your schools.

If you are an interested teacher, school or student don’t hesitate to contact us, we will be very pleased to support you.

STEAM Decks: for primary and secondary school teachers

Iratxe Mentxaka No Comments

During the months of March and April, several meetings of professors were held at the University of Deusto to present the STEAM Decks project.
STEAM Decks is a European Project coordinated by the LearningLab team of the University of Deusto and with the collaboration of Fatima Educational Foundation, Bertha von Suttner Gymnasium, Scoala Ferdinand I, and Duchess France.
STEAM Decks provides a free access online platform where primary and secondary school students are able to develop declarative knowledge in a contextualized and meaningful way through a multiplayer and online card game.
During the presentation sessions of the tool the teachers were able to work with the online version of the platform and with the printed decks. Both modes of play, as well as the possibilities offered by the mobile app, have proved to be very interesting resources for teachers. The most valued feature of the application is that anyone can design their deck of cards and make those contents so difficult to memorize in their subject, work in a fun way.


PLATON e-Agora: access the PLATON materials

LearningLab No Comments

Within the framework of the European project PLATON: Promoting innovative Learning Approaches for the Teaching Of Natural science, several open resources have been created and made available to the entire educational community. All the resources are on the PLATON website,, in the e-Agora section, and all of them are available in English, Greek, Portuguese and Spanish.

Among the resources that you can find there, is the 3D Interdisciplinary Map of Science Ideas, which allows to introduce an interdisciplinary approach in the science class. In addition, there are the interdisciplinary inquiry-based activities related to different science topics, perfect to work science through the PLATON methodology in the classroom.

There is also a series of Massive Open Online Courses, which will allow teachers to learn the PLATON methodology in a simple way and develop their teaching style by adding inquiry practices.

Within the PLATON project, the assessment of the students is of great value and for this purpose specific assessment materials have been developed adapted to the activities proposed in PLATON.

Don’t miss the opportunity to take a look at all the resources available on PLATON e-Agora to learn more about the PLATON methodology and start working it in the classroom.

STEAM Decks app available for Android

Iratxe Mentxaka No Comments


The new STEAM Decks application is now available for Android in Google Play Store. Thanks to this app, you can play with other colleagues by comparing numerical properties of different subjects: the population rate of different cities, the extent of different countries, the altitude of several mountains, even the atomic number of the components of the periodic table.

In addition, if you want to create your own deck of cards on the subject that interests you most, you can do so from the STEAM Decks website.

STEM Discovery Week 2018

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

SDW18 banner

STEM Discovery Week 2018 is a joint international initiative that invites projects, organisations and schools across Europe and around the world, to celebrate careers and studies in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The tagline for this year’s campaign “say yes to STEM” describes the partners’ open-minded and dedicated support to STEM subjects at school, as well as wide-ranging collaboration among stakeholders in the area.

Interested to become a partner?

By committing to the STEM Discovery Week 2018, the partners agree to:

  • Organise and share information about activities in STEM education as part of the STEM Discovery Week campaign.
  • Encourage third parties to support and join the initiative by organising STEM activities of their own
    and share information about them as part of the STEM Discovery Week campaign.
  • Publish on their web page information in support of the STEM Discovery Week campaign, hence facilitating an active exchange of information among projects, organisations and schools.

For more information on the registration steps that potential partners need to follow, please consult this document here.

Are you organising a STEM event around April 2018?

Include it on the map! Participants organising STEM activities in the course of April 2018, may also enter the STEM Discovery Week competitions. Visit the competitions’ section for more information here.

STEM Discovery Week activities’ map

JEDI’2018: X Jornadas de Educación Digital

Iratxe Mentxaka No Comments

Este es el décimo año que organizamos las Jornadas de Educación Digital junto con aulaBLOG y hemos decidido hacer algo especial.

En lugar de hacer una jornada doble de jueves y viernes por la tarde, hemos decidido reservar la mañana del 24 de febrero para organizar un conjunto de conferencias cortas (máximo 20′) con ponentes de primer nivel en la comunidad educativa:

Alfredo Hernando

Alfredo Hernando Calvo (@alfredohernando), nació y creció en Aranda de Duero, estudió Psicología en Salamanca, se enamoró en las Azores y anda a saltos entre Viena y Madrid. Es educador e investigador y ha hecho de la innovación educativa uno de sus caminos vitales.

Viaja por el mundo a través de #escuela21 para descubrir escuelas, abrir frentes y publicar una guía útil para transformar nuestros centros en escuelas del siglo XXI. Disfruta con la creación de proyectos innovadores y con la vivencia y el descubrimiento de las nuevas formas y espacios de aprendizaje que están transformando el mundo desde cada escuela.

Le gusta escuchar y comunicar. Ha trabajado como profesor y he desarrollado proyectos acompañando a profesores de muchos otros. También le gusta escribir cuando escribe como le gusta. Ha publicado materiales educativos y artículos en diferentes medios y ha sido redactor jefe de la Revista Educadores.

Javier Monteagudo

Javier Monteagudo es de Madrid, docente de Educación Musical y componente de diversas agrupaciones musicales. Empezó sus estudios de música en el Instituto de Música y Tecnología de Madrid, cursando Guitarra, lenguaje musical y armonía moderna. Estudió en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Complutense, obteniendo la diplomatura de Magisterio en la especialidad de Educación Musical y tiene estudios en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, de Ciencias e Historia de la Música, aún por finalizar.

Con las diferentes formaciones en las que trabaja ha realizado conciertos y varias giras por EE.UU., Portugal, Francia, Italia y Túnez, así como numerosos conciertos dentro de España. Es Miembro fundador del grupo Balbarda, con el que ha grabado varios discos. También es guitarrista del grupo asturiano Brenga Astur y ha estado en la formación del grupo Barahunda, Cruceta Ballet Flamenco, Reverse, etc.

Ha sido llamado por la Orquesta de Estudiantes de la Comunidad de Madrid, para participar como mandolinista solista en el Auditorio Nacional. Ha participado siendo coautor en el Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid en el año 2004 llegando a la final en el Teatro Álbeniz de Madrid. Ha trabajado para grupos de danza y de artes escénicas, teatro de calle, performance, etc.

Desarrolla su labor docente desde hace más de 15 años en diferentes centros de Madrid. También colabora con diferentes instituciones educativas en la formación docente en áreas referentes al cambio educativo. (INTEF, CTIF, CRIF, CITA, UIMP, etc.)

Leire Arana

Leire Arana fisikan lizentziatua da eta egun Arizmendi Ikastolako Almenen (Eskoriatza) dihardu irakasle lanetan. “ Matematikak eskuetara” izenburuarekin argitaratu berri du Leire Arana zientzia irakasleak seme-alabekin zein ikasleekin matematika lantzeko erabilgarri izan dakigukeen bloga. Egitura samurra du: gaiak, etapak, filosofia…. Eta dagoeneko zenbait post idatzi ditu; azkenekoak, esaterako, hauexek: “Multiplo komunetako txikiena txaloka” edo “Geometria kotxeen logoetan”. Interaktiboa izateko sortu du Aranak bloga, eta, berak aurkezpenean dioen moduan, “matematikak bizitzeko beste modu bat dagoela aldarrikatzeko”. Guraso eta seme-alabentzat ez ezik, matematika irakasle eta ikasleentzat ere baliagarria.

Jon Bustillo

Jon Bustillo es docente de la Escuela de Magisterio de Vitoria-Gasteiz, dentro del departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la UPV, donde imparte asignaturas como Nuevas Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Educación. Puntualmente ejerce como tutor para algunas asignaturas del área educativa en el centro asociado de la UNED en Vitoria-Gasteiz. Ha participado como docente en eventos como EDUTEC, EDUCARED (Fundación Telefónica), JEDI (Universidad de Deusto) e imparte cursos, ponencias y comunicaciones relacionados con las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la educación.

Estíbaliz Díaz

Estíbaliz Díaz es doctora en Biología y experta en biología marina dinámica de la población de la anguila, evaluación y ordenación de pesquerías y ecosistemas. Ha participado en varios proyectos de la UE relacionados con planes de gestión como CEVIS y COBECOS. Es la representante española en el Grupo de Trabajo del CIEM sobre anguilas y ha participado en los Grupos de Revisión Científica del CCTEP y la CITES. Además, ha colaborado con la Universidad de Deusto en el programa INSPIRA STEAM como mentora y en su conferencia nos hablará de su experiencia siendo mentora para el fomento de las vocaciones científicas femeninas.

Además, contaremos con un espectáculo matemágico por parte de Carlos Uriarte en mitad de las conferencias y una sesión de cierre en la que aulaBLOG resumirá los principales aportes de las conferencias empleando rutinas de pensamiento.

Las #jedi2018 tendrán lugar en el Audiotorio Icaza de La Comercial (Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao).


La agenda es la siguiente:

09:45: Acogida
10:00: Presentación
10:15: Primer turno de conferencias
11:15: Café
12:00: Segundo turno de conferencias
13:15: Evento de cierre
13:30: Fin de las jornadas


La inscripción es libre y gratuita pero estará limitada por motivos de aforo (por favor, si te inscribes y finalmente no puedes venir, avísanos para ceder tu plaza a otra persona).

Deusto LearningLab host organization of the “Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education on the Use of Innovative Teaching Tools” (MoPED)

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

14-15 December 2017, Deusto LearningLab  was the host organization of the kick-off meeting of the “Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education on the Use of Innovative Teaching Tools” (MoPED) – No. 586098-EPP-1-2017-1 -UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP. The 10 organization, 3 EU universities: University of Cyprus,  AGH University of Science and Technology, and University of Deusto; 6 Ukrainian Universities: Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk; Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after Gregory Skovoroda, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University  and SME “Quality of Ukraine”.

During the meeting the participants created the strategy and methodology of project implementation. The WP leaders presented a vision of the packages, accomplishment plans and expecting results and outputs. The Deusto LearningLab is responsible for smooth running of the content development of the project. The two organization teams Steering Committee and  Quality Control and Monitoring team were settled.  The consortium discussed the financial issues and the main regulations according to the project grant agreement and Erasmus+ guideline.

The MoPED aims at modernizing curricula for Pedagogical Schools of Ukraine by incorporating new courses of top-notch ICT teaching tools and inquiry methods.

Workshop “Design Inquiry Learning Spaces”, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

8-9 November 2017 Olga Dziabenko member of the Next-Lab consortium (researcher of the Deusto LearningLab) gave 2 day workshop for students and professors of the Faculty of Education, Precarpathian National University. The activity was devoted to a presentation of the Go-Lab ecosystem, introduction of the Apps, Labs and ILS. The work with authoring tool ( led to creating more than 20 ILS in national language. With this action the first ILSs in Ukrainian language were developed and presented to the teachers of secondary and primary education system of the country.

The Naxt-Lab intends to change the educational landscape of STEM education in Europe on a very large scale. It covers secondary and primary education. The project offers a unique and extensive collection of interactive online (virtual and remote) laboratories that can be straightforwardly and efficiently combined with dedicated support tools (learning apps) and multimedia material to truly form open, cloud-based, shareable educational resources with an embedded pedagogical structure. Next-Lab is designed to rely on full co-creation with users in combination with rapid development and testing cycles. Next-Lab offers tools for the learning of 21st century skills, facilities for self- and peer-assessment and portfolio development, as well as opportunities to include learning by modeling. The project supports networks of teachers, professional associations, and policymakers.

Workshop “Deeper learning in University curricular”

Ekaitz Polledo No Comments

2-3 November 2017, Deusto LearningLab together with AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland conducted the training in a frame of the workshop “21st century skills/deeper learning”. The training was organized at the premises of the AGH, Krakow, Poland, under an umbrella of the “GameHub: University-enterprises cooperation in game industry in Ukraine” project (561728-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) co-financed by Erasmus+ KA2 Programme, Capacity Building in Higher Education.

The GameHub aims to modernize the teaching methods in the selected Ukrainian Universities to ensure employability and self-sustainability of university graduates, unemployed engineers as well as veterans of Anti-Terror Operation in Ukraine by equipping them with knowledge and skills demanded by digital game industry – a highly networked global impact economy.

For this purpose 180 university teachers overall from Ukrainian universities, 500 students and 150 unemployed including the ATO veterans are trained; 18 learning modules are developed by GameHub and will be integrated into the Ukrainian university curricula; the link between academia, enterprises and unemployment centers will be established in the project framework.